Heat Treating Phoenix - Metal Treating Arizona | Controlled Thermal Technology
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CAGE Code (0EYF7)

CTTAZ is Federal Firearms License holder
FAA Drug and Alcohol Test Program ID #CONN783D

CTT is a well established, engineering driven company with a commitment to excellence in the Heat Treating and Surface Engineering field. We use state-of-the-art metallographic and Statistical Process Control techniques to assure that every component we process meets or exceeds customer requirements. CTT’s experienced team of engineering professionals are ready to assist you with ideas, prototype runs and continuous technical support.

Impact of Heat Treating


“We are honored to have Danny Rosetta and his team at Controlled Thermal Technologies as one of our Partners in processes of heat treatment of metals. Stating them as merely a vendor doesn’t justify their commitment to customer service, and quality of workmanship. They offer the best heat treating processes available. They are involved thru the entire process from development to production. This is “Why”; Controlled Thermal Technologies is a valuable partner in what products Patriot Ordnance Factory offers…

The Team


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Contact Us

2617 West Cypress Street
Phoenix, AZ 85009-2622

Contact us
Fax: 602.272.2157